Have you noticed how you’ll be thinking about something or someone and just like that it shows up or they call you? It makes you feel kinda super human right? It’s also known as the law of attraction. Neuroscience is confident that what’s happening in your life is a direct reflection of your thinking. If you’re interested in living with more happiness, greater success in relationships and work, and a deeper connection to your life purpose, this is the place to begin.
My job as your coach is to support you on your journey. It will look something like this.
We’ll take a look at what’s working and what needs attention. You’ll answer some questions that will lead to new insights and possibilities. Next, we’ll set some measurable and attainable goals. Then you’ll get in the trenches of your life and practice, practice, practice. Like my yoga teacher always says, “The practice is the practice”.
turn over in ones mind, mirror back, think deeply or carefully about. meditate on, muse over.
adjust the lens you are seeing things through, focus on something new or different to make an image more clear.
change or restore to a different or former position or state;
change one's position or attitude
adjust, correct or set something again or differently; as in attitude or goals
provide new wiring, as in the neurons of the brain
to make something new, fresh, or strong again. to begin something again especially with more force or enthusiasm.
to give new life or freshness to, to take recreation or play
connect back together, join, link back together, as in mind body and soul